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Cover The Event

  • For every media house or person that wants to cover the QKIFF 2016, document, take interviews, photos or record has to seek permission from the QKIFF Media Committee officer (Qwin). Please email in your notification or request with details about what media house or persons you represent in your email for verification purposes. 

  • Qwin will notify you upon approval on where to pick your media-pass badge from. The badge will show the media house you represent and your name. Emails should be sent to or reach her on +256-782-773-194.

  • Kindly note that any media person who doesn’t seek confirmation and get a media pass will not be allowed to cover the QKIFF and if found will be reprimanded in accordance to our media policy.

  • Get permission from individuals to take their pictures/ interviewing them/ recording them and endeavor to Inform them when their data is used for public sharing. Explanation about the recorded material being used for documentation and how it will be stored.

  • Endeavour to clearly give people an explanation about how their pictures/ interviews/ recorded data will be used. Where need be, it is advised to sign contracts with individuals especially where their information such as photos or interviews are to be used more than once.

  • A disclaimer about making every effort to protect the data but then doing so within the ambit of the law.

  • Please take precautions and responsibility NOT to expose individuals without their informed consent especially for members who are still closetted or do not wish to have their faces exposed.

  • Ensure that a clear explanation that no financial compensation will be given to individuals for any pictures used unless otherwise agreed between you two parties​.

  • You are liable for the security of media equipment. Management is not liable for any loss or damage.



Failure to comply with the guidelines will lead to denial of access to the event. Management reserves the right to grant permission to the event.

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